Companies engaged in the promotion, manufacture, and marketing of articles in the textile, clothing and footwear sector are eligible for membership.
Whoever intends to join the Rete Rubicone Moda shall submit to the Members’ Assembly a declaration signed by the owner or legal representative, containing:
- the name and registered office of the company;
- the corporate purpose;
- the activity actually performed and the office where it is exercised;
- a declaration of knowledge and unconditional acceptance of the provisions of this contract.
For companies, the following shall also be submitted:
- a copy of the resolution to adhere to the Network contract adopted by the competent body on the basis of its organisational rules, law and by-laws, and the name of the shareholder or person designated and authorised to represent it for all purposes in the Network;
- a copy of the by-laws and certificate of registration with the competent Companies’ Register.
In all cases, the Assembly shall be provided with a description of the company and the reasons that led the company to apply for membership.
The Members’ Assembly shall decide on the membership application at its first useful meeting.
If the application for membership is accepted, the applicant shall pay a contribution to the fund in the amount established annually upon approval of the budget.